Bike Tour in Tanzania

A bike tour in Tanzania is the way to go if you are obsessed with single-track routes. The beautiful thing is the bike doesn’t bite, so anyone with any level of experience can cycle as long as it is not within your doctor’s restrictions. In Tanzania, we have got thousands of routes to discover, because most of the paths are smooth and less populated and most of them pass through villages, so you’re likely to encounter peoples’ settlements, kids, young men and women, and possibly you can make friends and discover the world on your own way. Most of the routes are less challenging, so if you’re a pro or amateur, you have nothing to worry about. According to your time and level of experience, several track routes have been considered below to make sure everyone gets what he is capable of,
Biking along the escarpment of the rift valley at Mto Wa Mbu.
This route grants unlimited possibilities to experience the culture and people’s lives.
On your way, you will encounter an outskirts village, wildlife on your way, human settlements, farms and plantations, churches, schools, mosques, as well as local bars.
All these will give you a sense of life and you will discover life in other parts of the world. The drill will take 3 to 4 hours. Nevertheless, can decide to bike at any time of the day, may it be morning, afternoon, or evening.
All the bikes are in good condition and are all equipped with helmets to ensure your safety.
Each individual interested in this kind of experience will be required to pay 50$ and discover the beauty of Tanzania in their own unique way.
Cycling in Arusha National Park.
You can incorporate this cycling with a safari trip to Arusha national park, after enjoying some hours of game driving. The ride normally takes its course around the crater rim of Ngordoto with a mesmerizing view of the crater.
It is obvious encountering some animals like buffalo, zebra, and elephants, so escort of armed rangers is unavoidable. The price for this trip is 98 US with V.A.T . Only Tanapa bike fees of 25 USD and park entrance fees which are 54 USD are with a price.
Arusha, Tengeru, Usa River, Arusha national park entrance gate back to Arusha.
This is an amazing route that offers an opportunity to ride along the Arusha outskirts.
Basically, you are likely to encounter villages, farms, settlements, landscapes, and beauty all along.
The ride will take off from Arusha following the high that leads to the Usa River all the way to Moshi.
You can ride frequently or make multiple stops to get the time to admire the surroundings. The ride will be on a full-day basis, so we could consider taking a lunch box with you.
However, it accepted to take a small cash that will help you to enjoy warm food on the way to local restaurants.
The price will be only 80 USD, with meals and V.A.T included.
Cycling from Arusha to the Usa River and back to Arusha.
This is a half-day trip that will grant you the possibility to exercise as well as enjoy the scenery along the way.
You are likely to encounter kids, human settlements, bananas, and coffee plantations.
However, the beautiful view of Mount Kilimanjaro as well as buildings like churches, mosques, hospitals, and public offices are unavoidable. The routes take a highway that leads from Arusha to Holili/Taveta, up to Voi Kenya. The price for this trip is only 50 USD with only V.A.T.