Cultural Tourism in Tanzania

Cultural Tourism in Tanzania is a bona fide cultural experience that is worth your time while in Tanzania. However, with no wildlife safari, your trip may seem to fall short of spice because Tanzania is rich and it has a lot to offer in terms of culture regardless.

Inhabited by 120 ethnic groups, different tribes and historical backgrounds, Tanzania appears to be everybody’s land.

According to where each tribe resides, the environment, climate, and resource availability in a specific area, that’s what decide the lifestyle of each ethnicity. The size of Tanzania gives an advantage of having big undisturbed lands where the hunters and gatherer tribes live and one of them is the Hadzabe tribes.

Hadazabe is one of the famous tribes which still live the ancient life of only hunting and gathering. They hunt small animals like dik-dik, antelope, and rabbits, as well as birds as the source of their daily meal.

This group of bushmen collects edible wild fruits, dig roots from the wild, and collects honey which supplements their daily diet. This tribe inhabits the shore of Lake Eyasi in the hinterland, the interior of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Visit their village, which offers you an unlimited opportunity to be exposed to their daily life. Through the trips, you get first-hand experience with what it means to be Hadzabe.

Among many things, Hadzabe shares their experience with tourists. It is an opportunity to enrol in a hunting experience session. Exclusively you will overnight at the village and rise early in the morning with brave men. The men will lead to the hunting ground to catch what nature will offer. Through traditional weapons, the hunters still use sticks, bows, stones, and arrows to get the animal down. Significantly It is an untrodden ethnic group that is worth a visit and explores life, and their culture perspectively.

We will share with you this incredible experience offering you a trip to the village and enjoying yourself with the tribe. They are lovely, charming, peaceful, strong, and authentically skilled people. Be it so you will love them and it is worth spending a day or two with them. Let Afrozone Kingdom Safaris arrange your upcoming safari in Tanzania.

The Maasai tribe is another incredible ethnic group that is worth a visit. Maasai are a warrior and pastoral community whose entire life depends on keeping livestock. It is so because it is the only method that helps them to get their daily food need which is meat, milk, as well as blood.

Peculiarly animal dung is used to build a rounded hut used as their home and animal skins as beddings, and this is to say Maasai are all into cattle and nothing else.

Maasai has a long history of origin per se. Regardless they are dominant nearly in all parts of East Africa including Kenya and Tanzania as well. You can have a short pass by at Ngorongoro crater where some of them live here in Tanzania.

However, if you will see fit we can tailor-make an overnight stay at Olpopongi Maasai village. This veritable spot is where you will discover enlightenment about Maasai culture, traditions, as well as norms. Furthermore, this is an extraordinary opportunity to enjoy the nightlife experience in the village.

Not only are Maasai and Hadzabe worth a visit, but also still we have a lot to experience when visiting, the Sukuma tribe.

These are found in Mwanza and Shinyanga regions.  The Meru tribe in Arusha, the Chagga tribe at Kilimanjaro, the Hehe tribe in Singida, Haya tribe in Bukoba. Not to mention the Barabaig tribe in Kondoa Irangi and many more. Travelling solo, with a family, or in a group, we always have something to offer. Let us know your interests and Afrozone Kingdom Safaris will customise your experience