Selous Game Reserve

Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania covers an area of more than 45,000 sq km. It is significantly more than many European countries in size. Selous is the largest and most renowned game reserve in Africa. It is part of an extensive 155,000 sq km ecosystem of uninhabited miombo woodland. It extends between northern Mozambique and Southern Tanzania. The reserve and the total ecosystem lie at the cornerstone of the greatest surviving African wilderness. This potential wilderness supports a large wildlife population and health.

Selous appears as one of East Africa’s most beautiful and satisfying safari destinations. With a handful of lodges in a vast 50,000 sq km wilderness, Selous offers one of Africa’s remotest, wildest wilderness.

The natural vegetation of this reserved area is mostly miombo woodland. It is bisected into two disproportionate parts by Tanzania’s largest river- Rufiji. This exclusively covers the area through the reserve from west to east. Various narrow streams connect the Rufiji river to 5 lovely small lakes. Equally important these are the spots that offer the best game-viewing possibilities in the dry months.

Besides the normal species, Selous offer the unique opportunity to spot rare and endangered species in reasonably large numbers. Animals as the African wild dog. The black Rhinoceros, which are apparently extinct in other parks and reserved areas and very few in some, are found in healthy and numerous in Selous Game Reserve. The lions of Selous are another interesting thing compared to other parks in Africa. This is because they evidently rely on an unusual opportunistic diurnal hunting strategy. This makes Selous the best place for witnessing a lion kill.

They have darker coats and less hirsute manes compared to others elsewhere in East Africa. The concentration of

Wildlife in Selous Game Reserve is abundant and the river and small lakes provide the best opportunities in the dry months of game viewing. With a countless number of elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, and other antelopes ranging in the thousands, game viewing is full of excitement and undeniably rewarding.

Large predators like lions, wild dogs, leopards, spotted hyenas, and leopards. and other mammals like elephant, buffalo, waterbucks, impala, giraffe, zebra, sable, bushbuck, wildebeest, Roan, greater kudu, hartebeest, and eland. The rivers are full of crocodiles and hippos all year round.

an abundant birdlife population is supported in this marvellous ecosystem. Prominent species like a yellow-billed stork, white-crowned and spur-winged plovers, various small waders, pied and malachite kingfishers, African skimmer, fish eagle, palm-nut vulture, carmine and white-throated bee-eater, trumpeter hornbill, purple-crested turaco, Malagasy squacco heron, and fishing owl find their home here.

Time to visit

Some areas of the reserve are completely inaccessible because it is practically impossible for game drives in the rainy season. Not to mention all the lodges close down all operations in March and reopen in the month of June which turns the best time to visit Selous to be the season between June and February which are dry months.


Together with the normal game drives in 4×4 vehicles, the most interesting and equally rewarding activity in Selous Game Reserve is the boat rides along the Rufiji river. The majestic crocodiles, the remnants of hippos skull, water, and characteristics birds flock along the river and the herds of elephants, giraffes, and Buffalo come down for water together with a magnificent red sun setting behind the mysterious tall palms and gigantic baobab trees as a backdrop, make this kind of boat trip to be one of the most amazing experiences of your Selous safari with Afrozone Kingdom Safaris

Hunting, guided walks with armed rangers close to nature, and fly camping are other things that will add a different experience to your trip because is the unique experience of sleeping next to the river and lakes and where the only thing that separates you from the close by hippos, crocodile, and lion- is a mosquito net! Book your upcoming Selous Game Reserve Safari with Afrozone Kingdom Safaris and discover infinetly.